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A very pleasing affair took place at the Longbeach homestead on Monday evening last, when Mr T. W. Hocken was presented with a valuable gold watch, with gold chain and compass pendant, as a farewell keepsake from the employees of the Longbeach estate. The presentation was made by Mr Tout, thp new manager who takes Mr Hocken's place, the latter retiring after a residence of 12 years on Longbeach, during 8 of which he has been engaged m the onerous position of farm manager. Mr Hocken was also presented with a silver teapot from the Misses Grigg and a field glass from Mr J. C. N. Grigg. Mr Tout spoke of the good feeling which had always existed between Mr Hocken and the large number of employees under him on the estate, and expressed the good wishes they all felt for the departing manager, and hopes for Ins future success m life m the North Island, (he j;oeB to join his brother m farming pursuits at Fielding, Manawatu). Mr Hocken responded m a feeling speech, hoping they would all prosper and get on as well with Mr Tout, as they had done with himself. The evening was wound up with a coffee supper, partaken of by all the hands m the men's dining-room, where the presentations were also made.

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Bibliographic details

Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2458, 4 July 1890, Page 3

Word Count

PRESENTATION. Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2458, 4 July 1890, Page 3

PRESENTATION. Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2458, 4 July 1890, Page 3