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His Worship the Mayor who was unable to be present yesterday at the presentation to Mr Kneen wrote to the Secretary of the School Committee as follows : — I am extremely sorry that owin? to a prior engagement I shall b-' unable to be present tomorrow at the Public School Rooms *o assist m presenting a souvenir to Mt W. H. Kneen, late head master of the Ashburton Common School; — I have known him for about 17 years both as a teacher and as an athlete, and it wo^d have afforded me great pleasure m being present to do honor to a gentleman of his attainments. In losing Mr Kneen the Ashburtoi". School will suffer greatly and all through no fault of his. For years it has been pointed out by Mr Dempsey, Mr Kneen and others, that until the staff was reorganised the school could never be success'ul. The alteration has been made but (00 late to save one of the most painstaking teachers m the servxe. He like Mr Dempsey has fillen a victim to circumstances over which they had no control. I feel sure that Mr Kneen will carry with him the good will and best wishes of the Major portion of the inhabitants of the Borough of Ashturton> " i I am dear sir, Yours faithfully D. Thomas. Mayor of Ashburton.

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Bibliographic details

Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2214, 31 August 1889, Page 2

Word Count

THE PRESENTATION TO MR KNEEN. Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2214, 31 August 1889, Page 2

THE PRESENTATION TO MR KNEEN. Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2214, 31 August 1889, Page 2