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WESTEBFIELD FLOUR MILLS. FARMERS and other Settlers In the Aahburton District are Informed that the above Mills are now prepared U do gristing la any quantity »t lowoil rates, and having a Fifst-Olass MUlei engaged; satisfaction ean be guaranteed. Grain for gristing oan be left at my shop In Tanored strest. G. J. Fi LUBLOW, Proprietor* £20 REWARD. r consequence of the amount ,ol Poaching going on in the Oreeka on the Lagmhor Estate, the above reward will be paid to anyone giving information that will lead to a oonviotion. From this date NO ONE will be permitted to fish in the Greeks on the Lagmhor Estate. DONALD MoLEA». Laghmor, let Apr!], 1889 Apt NOTICE OF CHANGE. db. j. h."Townend, /^ONBULTING Phyalolan, 183 Colombo \j Street (opposite Bank of New Zealand), Ohrfstohuroh (Hon Visiting Phy *tolan, Obristohuroh Hospital 10 years). Hours of Consultation from 12 until 2 p.m., and from 7.80 until 9 p. mi, Sundays exoepted. N. B — •Consultation by letter. _63t4 ABHBORTON OOAL and FIBBWOO DEPOT. T O T)EAN"begO to Inform bis Li O« X> frieods and the public, generally that he hai eeoured a fresh •apply of best Newoaetle ooal which ho intends to eell at GBBATLT REDUOfiD PBIOE& Also is stock— Mount Somers, Malvera, Westport, and Newcastle Coal. Firewood, Post and Rails, Stakes, Strainers, etc, eto., Oats, Bran, Sharps, Potatoes, Chaff, Ohlokwheat. etc. R. S. BEAN. West Street, THB Lenitive Pectoral Sjrnp, H. Flon TS AN Infallible remedy for Oatabbhb, X, Bbokohitis, Ooijms, and til SkojtOHiAti Arri crnoNß, It is for over Sixty Yjeabs prescribed by ihe medical Celebrities. Georges Paste of Epinal A Pectoral LiQupßiOß Bokvoh, fa proved to be efficacious' against Colds, Nbbvous Coughs, and all imtations of the Thboat and Chest. BfiWARE OF IMITATIONB. REYNAL SONS it Co, Ohbuibtb, •sravj 'xaogxivx nag 'gg Eden George EDEN GEORGE'S GREAT I)ISCOVEBY> EDEN GEOBOE begs ',to inform : the inhabitants of Ashburton and surronnding districts that he has just discovered a MOST IMPOBTANI PROCESS by wblch Photographs can bt produced at ONK-FOURTH THE USUAL 0081 And that he has consequently reduced his prices as under : — Oartode Visiten, 5s t>er dos., old 'price. 25s per doz. ; Cabmen/ 10a jper doz; old Srioe, 60a per cloz ; Boudoirs, 16a j per oz, old prioe, 90s per doe ; other Buses proportionately reduced. Persons who were Photographed during the Afihburton visit oan obtain extra ooples at the above prices adding exchange and postage. j i e Although the above prices ' ate ee txtremely small the finest work fs'guaran. eed, as the Photos taken by the! new process are vastly snperior to those taken by the old one, and they are 'more permanent, At the above prices all Photos most be prepaid for, as no ledger will be kopt- and on no aooonnt will this rule be broken. When visiting Obristoharch don't forget to visit Eden George's Vestibule (where over 1600 excellent Photographs are to be seen vithout charge. Kden George, thb popqcak paofa(iiAPiasa

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2143, 5 June 1889, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2143, 5 June 1889, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2143, 5 June 1889, Page 1