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PB2NTING OF ALL KINDS I INOLUDIISGBUIheada Oirtalatb Memorandum For mi' . Agreements Liens Conditions of Sale) Oatalognea Posters, &o. And every description ot LEGAL AND COMMERCIAL LETTER-PRESS executed at the shortest notice and In the LATEST DESIGNS SPECIAL and most favorable terms offered to i I WHOLESALE ORDERS, ASHBURTON GUARDIAN • ■ . ' ' ' ! OFFICE. r Medical. r\ w b ,w o R D. Dxab Fbumds-— We have some hesitation m addressing you In the manner following, but hope that It will not be looked at In any Invidious light, when we state that li is only our kegard ,fo* your health that oauses us to do It. We have been a Firm of Analytical Chemists for many, many years and have m the long course of this time ' manufactured oertain Medicines that being based on scientific formula and absolute care and precision m manufacture, have enjoyed a popularity fat In advance of any other Pharmaoeutf. oal Preparatlona of the day. ..llowsuoceasful we have be*n In this, is only to note the extraordinary amount of the sales of onr Haydoek a New Live* Pill. We have the pleasure to strte that we have sold 28,08» Vials of Dv Haydoek's New Liver Pill*. The reason of this de. mand is because we find m Haydook' New Llvei Fills a wonderful and extra ordinary combination of concentrated medicine. The Viotorles of Science— Eleotrlo Telegraphs, Steam and Printing — revolutionised the whole system of the globe, and made mankind wiser and better. So, although there are countless Pills used for diseases and olalmingmuoh as to their merit, the. remarkable discovery of Dr Haydook has eclipsed them all, and has founded a New Medical System. The Dootojs, whose vaat ' doses -of four or five pills enfeeble the stomach and paralyse the bowels, must give way to the man who restores health and appetite with om 01 two of bis extraordinary Vegetable Pills. One or two of Di Haydock's New Liver Pills suffices to plaoe the stomach In perfeot order creates an appetite, and tenders the spirit light ! and buoyant. If the Liver Is afreoted its functions axe restored, and if the Nervous System Is enfeebled. It Is Inrlgorated and sustained. TRANSLATION. Aykab, Province of Burmah, 8.1. Honored and Learned Physician— The unworthy one who dares to address you and pome before yon humoly m the dust, begs for his people (oaate) that you would^ deign to look upon their ignoble miseries and cure them with your Life-giving grains (Pills). Illustrious • one your most potent medlolre is life to them and their ohildren, and all the Drag Basasra are empty and your Soul is not In them. Thl» humble petitioner, although he is lowly and not worthy to be In your high presence prays that yon will graciously permit your Life gr*»na (Pills) to come to Aykab. To tile mo* learned and wise Physician Haylook (Haydook) of high name. Native to the States of America, united m North Am wloa Country. : Serviely signing fo* hlmseiy and twentythxee othexi, the Fetltltlones places his sign, Tar* 4bkbi&amotii» Oanm, . — April 2, 1884. Db J. Haydook : Dear Bur— l received youv Pills a week ago. I have tried them and must say that I never had so much gopd done by anything as they have me. I have ouflered for years with bllliousness and hfeve i been so sick at . times as not to oare ici livo, but your Pills have oured me. One aged man here has taken from me only : t^o of your PHlsy- arid I wish yon could dee him. Hp has had no appetite for five montlis, and- to-dny he ate, a dinner such as api ughman eats. I had to oheok him, bat h laughed and said he wild treating hla stomach to a new sensation, for it really Tas hungry, I hand you witb this four dollars. Please send at onoe, a below, your Pills Mbi Sabah Mamkibb, Oarmi, Illinois, U.S. We would gne you if we were to go on with them as we very well could do, hut the above mast suff^. Haydoek s New Liver Pills a^e the true grain* and jasenoe of health, and the greatest blessing that Soienoe has given to the world. For Nervous Prostration, Weakness, General Latitude, Want of Appetite' and Sick Headache, Dr Haydrt New Liver Pills will be found ao *" Remedy. Each Vial contains "" . onty Pills. Price Twenty-five Cent; For sale by all Druggists. Any sot e tic oa Vhave' a vial of Pills Sent him Free oS receipt o hla name and address, for a trial. Send a postal card for copy of pamphlet—" The Liver and its Mj-utery, " 4 furnitrhes valuable information to HAYDOOK & CO WewYork, D.S, Oaxttiohl— Druggists are ieslred to notide that the name of J. H. Fraualt, sole agent, li written aeros each dotaa paok. agt* -»f Hny^Qok's Urei PM* AU with.

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2087, 14 March 1889, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2087, 14 March 1889, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Ashburton Guardian, Volume VII, Issue 2087, 14 March 1889, Page 4