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Wanuanui, January 2. The Bank of New South Wales has forwarded a oheqae for ten guineas to go to the funds of tha Fire Brigade fqr their - energy In saving the Bank premises on tha oocaabm of tbe late fire In the avenue, A parly of ladles and gentlemen are gattlug up a dramatic performance In aid of tha Brigade, to take place fn about a fortnight, Ohbistohuroh, January I • - Abont 2.30 this afternoon a fishing: boat under oanvas, containing two men. Frank Love and William Gibson, oans?z.d m Lyttelton harbor cloia to the *sef. The accident , was 2 seeu from 'the . t-**?, and several boats put oat and rescu%3 both men. A coujorenco of teaoher* of secondejr* - sohoola op«t*d today, Mr 0. F.. Bourn/. Auckland, puwlding. Motions carried that lt> desirable that each, examination paper i* t be University, entrance .examination ib*,!* b « ipp__-«Jl at least by two examiner,,^ that HtgL Sohool .training, followed by^ % ema* matrioulation should bo requl.^ 0 » applicants for pupil teacherahlp. The analysis Of portions of the remaf_&/ of Mrsßeattle, whose body waa exbon>„4 at Hororata a few weeks ago; op* -J__\ '"• ploion of death having been oe>Va *£ ' belSuir™ *" n0 * , ' iCß^ PoKeS : There was magnifiw^^j;^/ •eoond day. Oaledoo' * w S* l ?? r io „ h 2 passed off without fi- *? ol l_ ' w ft". ithletlo pr_3. thf ■J U »Sp A**? 'Mat distances. 120, 2? «' ito " won by T lSi> f' 3B ?« "»4'dWfdiL waa 120 and Sfifte* Jol, » wbo WM fir »* * tt «*• s tot a eh.* *• The o»yonet competition - by thai> _ 1 [ engo e SP- TalM w« won a*eo_s' '» h barton_Rifl*t/I_ytteltbnNaTali *^-, Timaru Navals third. v, . •_■_,''. -vmm t January S. .Kobert Frew, oarter, aged sixty years, aled very, suddenly to-day at tbe house of • friend he waa visiting. Ho complained of internal pains at an early hour thla morning,; when >c *ai given some of • MeHor'a iH auce, after which be seemed, . better, but In a few minutes he fall baok dead. He never auffeied from heart disease, so far as is known. At the Inquest » verdlofc of "Death from natural Games'* was returned. "./: A / tot.ii i ,, I » yBI « J -KO--ii. Janiatf V While riding a raoe at Wrey 'a B* ?•< Tuesday, two boys, J. Motgw ' "^V Leonard, were hurt, the forme mnd ■?• having been uooociolona w '* 9 _ r9 _^* r t patch of a telegram to-dar <_»'"§«•«- --industrial sohoolboy* '• Morgan Is an A strong feelln* _ "...' . „ getting up betwee- of antagonism ti Europeans at tha -the Chinese and arising out of a' Round Hill diggings, secure ground ' t,em P ti by* *he foraaer to bis hand a* • A miner named Bell had from a bio* ■•ehed while aavlng his head . wielded > * f * onl • P ,B <» ot sawn timber '- ?rouod '1 * Ohlnaman In a dispute aa to' brev' _J_* • water-tail*. A Chinese wit ;ae> . - at from Kouud Hill and lodged fa y on a charge of stabbing another mongolian In a gambling dispute. Jfixcellent weather prevailed during tba [holidays, and all modes of amusement were folly patronised. 6300 persons went to tbe Bluff regatta, whioh waa a very poor exhibition indeed. Fale won the Caledonian handicap at .the Society* sports.

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Bibliographic details

Ashburton Guardian, Volume VIII, Issue 2027, 3 January 1889, Page 2

Word Count

INTERPROVINCIAL NEWS Ashburton Guardian, Volume VIII, Issue 2027, 3 January 1889, Page 2

INTERPROVINCIAL NEWS Ashburton Guardian, Volume VIII, Issue 2027, 3 January 1889, Page 2