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Business Notices. r|IHE LATE FIRE. The undersigned bogs to notify that Messrs Acland Campbell and Co. have kindly placed their Grain Store at his disposal, and that the same will be opened as a temporary LIVERY AND BAIT STABLES on and after this date. Customers will find that they will receive the same attention, and their horses, etc., the same care as formerly. Note the Address— Edward Cookson, ACLAND, CAMPBELL & CO’S STORES, Petek street, neak Quill’s Hotel, Ashburton. Dec. 1881. HAVING purchased Messrs T. R. Hodder and Co. ’s STOCK OF IRONMONGERY, GLASSWARE, EARTHENWARE, AND GROCERIES, I will continue the business in the same promises, SAUNDERS’ BUILDINGS, and by keeping the very best quality of Goods, and selling at the very Lowest possible Price, everyone will find it to their advantage to deal with mo. Now Landed, a line of Strong and Well - flavored TEAS, which will be sold at 19s (guaranteed). Tea by the lb, 2s, 2s Gd, and 3s. There has never been anything like the 3s Tea in Ashburton before. I bought the Ironmongery, Glassware, etc., at a large discount under Cost Price, md will give my Customers the advantage. Orders loft at the Shop will be delivered ! with despatch, and Families leaving their address will be waited upon regularly. Prime BUTTER and FRESH EGGS bought in any quantities. Robert Alcorn, 589 d mHE NEW GROCERY ESTABLISH JL MENT, ASHBURTON. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY GAINED. Andrew Orr Has much pleasure in informing the public that he has OPENED those premises lately occupied by Mr John Fowler, Tancred street, as a GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT. A.O. would stato that his object in starting this New Branch of Business, is to enable his Drapery Customers to have every article required for a household rom one establishment, without the necessity of opening several accounts. Families waited upon weekly for orders. It is needless to quote prices, as every article will bo of the best quality, and at CASH PRICES. A trial respectfully solicited. Good BUTTER and EGGS purchased in any quantity. ANDRE W 0 R R, East street, Ashburton. The Cheap Drapery Sale still going on, at the premises East street, (next Union Bank). 957 c James Heseltine, SADDLER, Tinwald, bags to call the attention of the Public to his wellselected Stock of SADDLERY; also, HORSE COVERS for the coming season, which will be found to be of the best quality, and at lowest possible prices N.B. —Every description of HORSE COLLARS'made to order on the premises. 1c PHOTOGRAPHY. —Portraits are now being taken by the New Instantaneous Gelatine Emulsion Process at HERNY’S PORTRAIT ROOMS, Saunders’ Buildings, East Street, Ashburton. E W INDUSTRY. ASPHALITNG. JAMES BRADLEY is prepared to take orders for ASPHALTING at very moderate rates. All orders to be left at the Works, Park street. All work kept in repair for twelve months. 350 c ~\TEVER BE DOWN IN THE DUMPS. Fortune may favor, though she may frown ; Bright morning comes after the night. And no matter how long a good man may be down, He’ll rise if he sticks to the right. In the game of our lives, though the “ deuce ” is to play, We all have our chances of “ trumps,” “Fair dealing" if you would “count honors,” we say, And never be down in the dumps. The oldest of men tell us life is a span, Though the “lane without turning” seems long ; When sadness creeps into tho heart of a man He should hurry it out with a song. Though tho road be so rough that the progress is slow, Though our knees may be aching with bumps, Twill be changed if a little further So never be down in tho dumps. Should folk disappoint—say, your tailor, to wit, With separate garment or suit, Visit G. J. F. Lublow for perfection in fit, And saving your money to boot He’ll suit you with all that is novel and rare, And prove himself a I’egular “ trump,” For giving both cheapness and thorough good wear, So never bo down in tho dumps. To give Stylish and Reliable Materials, Perfect Fit, and unmistakable Cheapness, is the state of perfection attained in tho Clothing supplied by G. J. F. Lublow. The variety of Coatings and Tweeds to be seen at his establishment is, moreover, tho moat complete and extensive in Canterbury. Gentlemen cannot do other than right in obtaining their dress for themselves and their sons at Gr. J. P. Lillblow’s, EAST STREET, Ashburton. 718 a gIIE A P TIMBER. CHEAP FIREWOOD. Tho Undersigned desires to intimate to his customers and the public generally that, in consequence of his having large Stocks of Building Timber and Firewood on hand, ho is prepared to dispose of same at the very lowest rates for cash. ALPHEUS HAYES Timber Merchant, East street, Ashburton. N.B.—Short Firewood on Sale in any quantities. Also, a large quantity .of seoond-c’ass Timber cheap. 7G?d

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume III, Issue 630, 8 May 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Ashburton Guardian, Volume III, Issue 630, 8 May 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Ashburton Guardian, Volume III, Issue 630, 8 May 1882, Page 4