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International Exhibition, Christchurch. —Those that wish to be represented at the International Exhibition to be held in Christchurch in April next, should inform us of their intentions. We have been connected with all the Exhibitions held in the colonies. At the late Adelaide Exhibition we represented sixty exhibitors, tor which wo received ton special gold medals, forty-nine first and one second sward, three of which were New Zealand firms (D. Strange and J. T. Martin, Invercargill, and T. Sevan, Wellington). Our plan is to represent the exhibitors, transact their busines, fix their exhibits on their space, attend to the judging of exhibits on their space, and anything necessary while the exhibition remains open; at the close pack and send back exhibits or sell them, or duplicates thereof if required, it is very inconvenient for exhibitors to come to thei Exhibition to fix their exhibits, which 1 amounts to an expense, besides the loss of time which must necessarily be expended on them. Then, again, the exhibitors have a benefit, they have no trouble of getting space. They let ns know how much is required, and we set it for them, as we have a large amount granted to us. We fix the exhibits on a better space than if they applied themselves. Our terms are moderate. We specially caution the public against giving their exhibits to so-called Exhibition agents, who go the rounds of Exhibitions and run exhibitors into debt and other difficulties. On account of our liot being able to give exhibitors the exact amount of; our fee, as it is impossible to do so until we know the size of exhibit, they may 'rely on it being most reasonable. The exhibits should be addressed “Albert 13. Manders and Co., Christchurch Exhibition.” If exhibitors will kindly send a note staling how much apace they require, no further trouble will lie necessary.— Albert S. Manders and Co., Brit ish and Colonial Manufacturers, Agent. Head office —91 Little Collins street East, Melbourne; and at London — St Paul’s Buildings; Adelaide—G7 King William street; Perth, Western Australia; 6 Town Hall. A Permanent branch is now established in Hereford street, Christchurch. All letters sent to the above firm, Hereford street, will receive prompt attention, and circulars sent on enquiry.— [Advt.]

Amusements. f-jpOWF HALL, ASHED E TON. WEDNESDAY. EEB. i, 1882. BENEFIT TO MR CHAS. BOURK. The Ashburton Dramatic Club will produce on the above date, for the benefit of Mr C. Bourk, a sufferer by the recent fire at his residence, the Laughable Farces “ DOING MY UNCLE ” AND “THE DEAD SHOT.” Furniture kindly lent by Mr John Meech, of Burnett street. The performance will be under the ' patronage of His Worship the Mayor and Borough Councillors of Ashburton, Officers and Members of the Fire Brigade, Officers and Members of the Court Star of Ashburton, A.0.0.F.; Officers and Members of the Star of the East Lodge, 1.0.G.T. ; Officers and Members of the Dawn of Peace Lodge, 1.0.G.T.; and the Officers and Men of the Ashburton Rifle Volunteers.

Prices of admittance — 3s, 2s ; children, half price. Tickets to be had at The Gparuian Office and the principal shops in Ashburton. Reserved seats to be had of Mr Davison and Mr Randoll, Town Hall. Doors open at 7.15 ; commence 8 sharp. 617 d A SECOND PERFORMANCE of the above, will be gb'en in aid of the Club on the FOLLOWING NIGHT (Feb, 2-) •Prices as usual. 680 d RL. H. WILKINS is authorised ito CANVASS and COLLECT ACCOUNTS oa behalf of The -Abhbubton M 1

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume III, Issue 547, 30 January 1882, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Ashburton Guardian, Volume III, Issue 547, 30 January 1882, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Ashburton Guardian, Volume III, Issue 547, 30 January 1882, Page 3