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AUSTRALIAN? 4 ' [per reciter's agency.] Postal Convention. Melbourne, June 7. The Postmaster-General has issued a circular despatch to the Governments of the other colonies, urging them to join in a postal convention. The despatch further suggests that the colonies should contribute towards a possible loss on the oceanic service. Supply. Melbourne, To-day. A temporary Supply Bill was passed through both Houses of Parliament last night. Reform Bill Once More. The Reform Bill, as amended by the Legislative Assembly, has been returned to the Legislative Council, but its acceptance by the latter Chamber is generally thought to be improbable. A Heavy Sea. Owing to a severe gale which blew here last night, a bulwark, consisting of 1,300 beam ends, erected on the Yarra, opposite Fisherman’s Bend, in connection with the river works, has become water-logged. A very high sea is running at the spot

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume 2, Issue 365, 8 June 1881, Page 2

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CABLE NEWS. Ashburton Guardian, Volume 2, Issue 365, 8 June 1881, Page 2

CABLE NEWS. Ashburton Guardian, Volume 2, Issue 365, 8 June 1881, Page 2