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Business Notices. A GRICULTURAL MACHINE SHOP, ■f*- Ashburton. C. Ray, ENGINEER, MILLWRIGHT, REAPER AND BINDER EXPERT. The M'Cormick, Deering, Osborne, Harvester King, and Wood’s Machines Repaired and Adjusted, in Town or Country. Engines, Combines, Pumps, &c., Repaired at very reasonable terms. All work guaranteed. Practical Sewing Machinist. Estimates given. C. RAY, Opposite Central Hotel, Wakanui Rd. 100 a G REAT REDUCTION WATCHES. IN J. S. QUINN, Watchmaker, East street, Ashburton, having received a large stock of English gold and silver Watches, will offer the same at the following Reduced Prices, viz : —Rotherham s gold hunting Levers from £18; Rotherham’s silver Levers from £6 10s j; Ehrhardt’s silver English Lever from £o 10s ; gold Genevas (ladies' watches) from £3 10s ; Waltham watches, in English cases, from £4 ; American watches from £2 5s ; two years’ guarantee given. Also, a choice selection of Colonial-made Jewellery, Brooches, Earrings, Dress Bings, &c., set with Australian rubies, at correspondingly low prices. Particular attention paid to the repairing of every description of Watch, Clock, and Jewellery. Guaranteed for 12 months. Pebble and other Spectacles to suit all sights. 308 a

SUFFOLK BUTCHERY, Havelock street, Ashburton. G. J. Martin, BUTCHER, Begs to inform the Public of Ashburton Borough and County, that he is Supplying the Primest Meat at CHEAPEST RATES, for CASH. Roast Beef from ... 3d. to sd. Corned Beef from ... 2id. to 4d. Mutton to 3d. Sausages 6d. to 6d. Contractors, Threshing Machine Proprietors, and Harvesters, supplied with every requisite. 912 OHEAP BOOTS ! CHEAP BOOTS ! 1 The undersigned begs to draw the attention of the Public to his large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, which he is disposing of at Christchurch prices. TRY his own made Watertights, 20s. All other lines made equally cheap. Repairs done cheaper than any other place in the district. Note the Address — 0. HAWKINS, Boot Maker, (Opposite the Post Office, Tinw aid. Miss Buckman, French milliner and dressmaker, Wishes to inform the Ladies of Ashburton and surrounding districts that she has OPENED BUSINESS in the above line, nd from her long experience in the Leading Houses of Sydney and Melbourne, can guarantee the Best Styles, combining Elegance and Durability Ladies wishing to make up their own materials can have their patterns cut and fitted, with full instructions as to making. A perfect fit can be guaranteed, as Miss Buckman cuts and measures by a thoroughly practical system,saving ladies the unnecessary trouble of fitting and trying on, which is often incurred by going to an inexperienced dressmaker. Address—M. BUCKMAN, Peter street, Ashburton, adjoining R. G. Ruxton’s Tailoring and Outfitting Establishment, near Quill’s Commercial Hotel. 80a

SPRINGFIELD COAL. THIS SPLENDID COAL may be ordered in large and small quantities, and all orders will be promptly executed. C. A. ULRICH, Cobb & Co.’s Office, Cathedral Square, Christchurch. Agent for Springfield Coal Co. [Limited.] LFORD FOREST. POSTS, RAILS, AND STAKES, Any length, also FIREWOOD, Bft and 4ft lengths, FOR SALE at Reduced Rates, by Cooper Brothers, Delivered in any part of the District. Orders by Post will meet with imWm. Patching, Tent, tarpaulin, and horse CLOTH MAKER. Canvas, Calico, and American Due mediate attention. 226 a East Street Ashburton,

Reaper and Binder Canvases Made and Repaired. Canvas and India-rubber Hosing. Sail, Twine, and Garden Lines, Block Hooks, and Thimbles. Flax and Manilla Rope, of all sizes, always in stock. 931 WM. PATCHING. Marsh ■& Groves. XpANCY BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKERS, PASTRYCOOKS AND CONFECTIONERS. FAMILIES WAITED ON DAILY Wedding and School Cakes always on hand. lanored Street, Ashburton. 932

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume 2, Issue 326, 23 April 1881, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Ashburton Guardian, Volume 2, Issue 326, 23 April 1881, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Ashburton Guardian, Volume 2, Issue 326, 23 April 1881, Page 4