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The Ashburton Guardian. Magna Est Veritas et Prevalebit. TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1881.

TOWN EDITION. [lssued at 5 p.m.]

Cricket. —A match is fixed for next week between the Ashburton Wanderers and the Rakaia Eleven. Christchurch R.M. Court. —At the Christchurch R.M. Court this morning, Daniel James Philips, for illegal pawning, was committed for trial. George Hill Wilson, for indecently assaulting a girl five years old, was sentenced to three months’ imprisonment. Mu Cass ok Dysentery. —The following letter appeared in this morning’s Lyttelton Times : —“ To the editor ; Sir, — Observing from the newspapers that deaths from dysentery are numerous of late in different parts of the colony, and being in possession of a sovereign remedy for that disease, which may be safely applied to people of all ages, from the infant in arms to the aged, I would beg the favor, through your columns, of an opportunity of making the same publicly known ; and I hope it will be extensively reprinted by other papers. Recipe.—Tincture rhubarb, laudanum, cayenne pepper (treble strength) essence peppermint and spirits camphor, equal quantities of all mixed. Dose—from 3 to 5 drops for an infant, and from 20 to 30 drops for an adult, taken in a little pugar or a spoonful of sweetened water ; take a dose every hour till cured. A few doses will completely cure, sometimes only one is required. The remedy should be resorted to immediately the bowels become disarranged, when generally a single mild dose completely restores the patient. I earnestly warn those afflicted with diarrhoea or dysentery to eschew the use of brandy or any wine, they being absolute poison in such cases. Any chemist will make up a small bottle of the above mixture for a shilling.—l am, &c., B, Cass, Christchurch.

Acclimatisation. —The Auckland Acclimatisation Society intend forwarding some rooks to the Southland Society. Coal Prospecting. An association for the purpose of prospecting for coal has been foimed at Mahurangi, near Auckland.

The West Coast Railway. —Mr O’Connor, Government engineer, will leave Christchurch to examine the proposed route of the West Coast Railway on March 25.

Buggy Accident. —An accident happened at the Waitaki Bridge on Sunday. A buggy capsized at the end of the bridge, and the occupants were thrown out, and Mrs Frew, the wife of a farmer, had her skull fractured. Accident at the Rakaia.— A man named Robert Fullerton broke his log log whilst engaged in carrying wheat to a threshing machine. It appears that, by some means or other he fell, and in doing so fractured his right log. He was conveyed to the Christchurch Hospital by the express train. A Second Attempt. —A fire at the Albion Hotel Napier, on Sunday destroyed the stable, in which was stored furniture and part of the stock. The total loss was about L3OO, uninsured. This is the same hotel which, it will be remembered, was partially destroyed' by fire about a month ago.

Ashburton Improvements. —The wellknown firm of Reid and Gray, implement manufacturers, of Dunedin and elsewhere, having purchased two sections of land in Cameron street, arc about to build extensive premises. A shop 100 ft by 30ft is to be erected at once, and several other improvements are to be carried out, which will alter considerably the appearance of that part of the town. The Loss of the Mohaka. —A preliminary inquiry has been held into the circumstances connected with the wreck of the little steamer Mohaka. The evidence showed that the mate went below, leaving an unqualified person in charge. He mistook his distance from the land before calling the mate, and the vessel went ashore almost immediately.

A Step in the Right Direction.—A contemporary says : —The Government are about to issue circulars and cards for a penny deposit scheme in reference to the Savings Banks as nearly as possible on the English model introduced by Mr Fawcett, the present Postmaster-General. In the first instance it will bo applied tentatively to school children only, and expanded if the experiment proves successful.

A Civil Servant in Trouble. —The Christchurch Tdeyraph is responsible for tbo following: —“A gentleman of the Civil Service and a. well-known theatrical lady -were charged this morning with indecent exposure in the Wellington Botanical Gardens, on Sunday. The lady fainted in Court, and, falling back, struck her head heavily. His Worship left the Bench for a quarter of an hour. The parties pleaded guilty, and wore fined L 5 each, or seven days’ imprisonment.”

An Extraordinary Accident. —On Saturday afternoon last, a man named John Lafferty, who works on the railway at Rolleston Junction, was employed to take awry a heavy Cambridge roller. He was sitting on the driver’s seat, and, from some unexplained cause, he fell from his seat in front of the roller, and the cylinder passed over his head without crushing it. Those who witnessed the accident immediately ran up and released the unfortunate man, who was thought to have been killed outright. Owing to the injuries sustained, and the swollen condition of the head and face, it was almost impossible to even guess at the exact nature of the hurt. He was speedily conveyed to the Christchurch Hospital, where he remained in an unconscious state until Sunday night, when he partially regained sensibility. On Monday Lafferty, although still in a critical state, was said to be progressing favorably, and his case is regarded as a most extraordinary one. Levelling Down. —The Constantinople correspondent of the Times says : —Much indignation has been created among the Bulgarians by the intelligence that the Porte has determined to diminish the preponderance of the Bulgarian element in Macedonia by the simple method of wholesale deportation. Already GO men and women, with 70 children, have been taken from the district of Uskup to Salonica, with the intention of transporting them to Asia Minor, and 70 Bulgarian families from the district of Koprili are to be brought down shortly to the sea coast for the same purpose. The semi-oflicial Valajt explains that this is being done in order to preserve the families in question from foreign intrigues, and save them from the rigorous measures to which, in consequence, they would be exposed ; and predicts that by devoting themselves to agriculture in their now homes they will greatly increase their material well-being. Those who know how many of the Mussulman refugees sent by the Government to the various districts of Asia Minor have been allowed to starve in their new homes, will not put much faith in the Vakyt's predictions. If the Porte develops to any great extent this primitive method of diminishing the Slav influence in Macedonia, it may accelerate the disturbances which it wishes to avert. The attempts of Slav agitators to form a Bulgarian league in that province, have not been hitherto successful, but they may have much more success in the future if the peasantry find that they are constantly in danger of being without trial, to perpetual exile. A Maori Eviction. —The Napier correspondent of the Press Association tells the following story of a Maori eviction, which took place yesterday : - An attempt was made to-day to evict the natives from Mount Vernon. The Deputy-Sheriff, accompanied by Mr Grindell, interpreter, and Mr Harding, who holds the Crown grant for the land, served the writ formally, and called upon the natives to vacate the pah. Nearly all were away attending the meeting of the Wairarapa piophot, only half dozen men and several women being present. Those refused to leave. Horses and carts and a party of men who were in waiting wore called into requisition, and the good? and chattels of the Maoris were, after some resistance, carted to the high road. The Europeans present, with the exception of the sheriff’s officer, Harding, and one volunteer, however, refused to lend their aid in evicting the natives, and, in resporso to a demand from Harding, the sheriff’s officer replied that ho had no power to force the others to assist by calling on then in the Queen’s name. After a desperate struggle, one man was put outside the jah, but immediately returned. Next, a woman was evicted, and was carried n a cart, force having to be used to keopher there. As soon as the high road wib reached, the police, who were watching he experiment, threatened to arrest the Europeans for assaulting the natives on tie Queen’s highway. This unexpected thnat put an end to the proceedings, the Europeans retiring and leaving the natives ii possession of the field. It is believed fiat the police were acting under orders frou 'Wellington. There is no disputing the fact that the Grown issued the grant for;he land, but owing to the survey descripfon not being very a definite, it is doubtfu whether the Crown really acquired the land before selling it.

A notice interesting to owners c unregistered dogs appears in our advertising column; . The Tinwald races and sports tbe place on Easter Monday. The Entertainment Committee < the I. 0.0. F. return hanks, through the medium of ouadveru’sing columns, to the ladies and gentlemen whoissisted at their late concert, A notice re establishing a musem in Ashburton appears in our impression to-day. At the Tinwald yards, on Messrs J. T. Ford and Co. will offeia Unt-.f sheep, from the Alford station.

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume 2, Issue 287, 8 March 1881, Page 2

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The Ashburton Guardian. Magna Est Veritas et Prevalebit. TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1881. Ashburton Guardian, Volume 2, Issue 287, 8 March 1881, Page 2

The Ashburton Guardian. Magna Est Veritas et Prevalebit. TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1881. Ashburton Guardian, Volume 2, Issue 287, 8 March 1881, Page 2