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Business Notices. Friedlander Bros. ARE CASH PURCHASERS OF WOOL, G. R A I N , AND ALL KINDS OF Farm Produce, and are also prepared to make LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES on the above, placed in mr hands either for sale or shipment to the English or Colonial markets. TWINE BINDER. We have been appointed SOLE AGENTS for the DEBRING TWINE BINDER fer the County of Ashburton, and as only a limited number can be supplied, all who wish to make certain of securing those favorite machines for the next season, should ORDER SAME at ONCE from the Agents, The DEERING TWINE BINDER awarded GOLD MEDAL at Ashburton, six machines competing; took special prize at Oamaru trial, &c., &c. tyE HAVE ALSO ON HAND, McCORMICK’S, OSBORNE’S & WOOD’S Reapers & Binders with LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, at CHRISTCHURCH PRICES. Freight added. We have now on view, a few Second-Hand REAPERS and BINDERS, in thorough good working order, which we will dispose of at a very LOW FIGURE. A complete Assortment of extras for all Reapers and Binders, kept on the premises.

'E ARE JXT3T LANDING w 1 SIXTY-FIVE TONS BEST SOFT STEEL Binder Wire (Made expressly to our order), And it will be of great advantage to farmers to give early orders, as the QUALITY CANNOT BE EQUALLED.

QORNSACKS ! CORNSACKS ! ! We have to arrive our season’s shipment of CALCUTTA CORNSACKS, Fullsized, extra strong, four-bushel, manufactured expressly to our order, for English wheat shipments. These Cornsacks, being purchased by us direct from the manufacturers in Calcutta, we can supply farmers and others on MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. WE have been favored with the AGENCY of WILBERS PATENT EUREKA Hay Mowers, As only a limited quantity of these machines, which took the FIRST PRIZE at the recent competition of the Ashburton Agricultural and Pastoral Association, can be supplied, orders for next season must be given early. The NEW IMPROVED ALfHOUSE Yaneless Windmill Is now on exhibition in front or our store. The prices £re considerably lowered and within the reach of everybody. Come and examine them. Implements, &c. TO FARMERS, WE CAN OFFER now at remarkably LOW PRICESHornsby’s H., H.H., R. 8., and R.C; Ploughs Reid and Gray’s Double and Singlefurrow Ploughs, and extras for same. Reid and Gray’s Drays, Rollers, Harrows, etc. Bentall’s, Richmond’s, and Chandler’s Horsepowers and Chaff-cutters. We have further a large stock of — Douglas and Gould’s American Pumps, Force Pumps, and Piping, and farm and station stores of all kinds. R A P E R Y. WE ARE JUST OPENING, in addition to our well-selected stock, our SPRING AND SUMMER Drapery Imported direct from the manufacturers, which will be sold REMARKABLY CHEAP, in orders to make room for coming shipments. Our CLOTHING and OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT is now replete with the most fashionable and serviceable goods, and we have an excellent stock of superior Boots and Shoes of colonial manufacture. OUR GROCERY and PROVISION DEPARTMENT is characterised bv the best qualities of TEAS, SUGARS, DRIED FRUITS, &c. And the best brands of Warehousemans goods, sold at smallest possible profits. The CROCKERY and GLASSWARE DEPARTMENT has a very large and varied stock, and at prices not to be surpassed. Ironmongery in all its branches. Orders punctually attended to. FRIEDLANDER BROS., AGENTS COLONIAL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY.

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume 2, Issue 229, 30 December 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Ashburton Guardian, Volume 2, Issue 229, 30 December 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Ashburton Guardian, Volume 2, Issue 229, 30 December 1880, Page 4