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Business notices. WO. DAVIS, BRICKLAYER, &c., # having commenced business for himself, in the above line, is prepared to undertake all work entrusted to him, at reasonable rates. Ranges Set. Workmanship guaranteed. Note the Address— W. C. DAVIS, Bricklayer, &c., Bast street, south. All orders left at Mr. S. Hardley, will receive prompt attention. 593 NEW INDUSTRY. ASPHALTING. JAMES BRADLEY is prepared to take orders for ASPHALTING at very moderate rates. All orders to be left at the Works, Park srreet. All work kept in repair for twelve months. 386 ■ ftsi fiaww F. S. Shearer, TIN WALD. Agricultural engineer, inventor and Manufacturer of Combined and other Threshing Machines, Dressing and Winnowing Machines, Corncrushing Drill, Turnip and Broadcast Sowing Machines, Flour Mills, Saw Mills, Water Wheels of every description made and fitted up. Reaping, Binding, and Mowing Machines promptly attended to. Spring Carts, Traps, and Drays, of every description made and repaired. Plans and estimates given for all kinds of carpenter work. All repairs neatly executed with first-class workmanship. Charges moderate. the address — GREAT SOUTH ROAD, TIN WALD. 641 Win. Patching, East Street Ashburton, Tent, tarpaulin, and horse CLOTH MAKER. Canvas,' Calico, and American Due Reaper and Binder Canvases Made and Repaired. Canvas and India-rubber Hosing. Sail, Twine, and Garden Lines, Blocks, Hooks, and Thimbles. Flax and Manilla Rope, of all sizes, always in stock. 31 WM. PATCHING. THE SOUTHLAND TIMBER YARDS. THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has made arrangements with the best SAWMILLS in Southland for a constant Supply of Building Timber, including Red and White Pine. FOR SALE, CHEAP FIREWOOD, in foot lengths. £2 per cord POSTS AND RAILS STAKES, &g. HAVELOCK AND WEST STREETS, Next Jameson and Roberts, ASHBURTON. JOSHUA TUCKER, 2170-884 c Proprietor OHERTSE Y. A. R. MARKHAM (Next Montgomery’s, Chertsey), GENERAL STOREKEEPER HAVING taken over the store of Messrs. Orr and Co., and increased the stock, is prepared to supply first-class articles in Grocery, Drapery, Ironmongery, etc. AGENT FOR THE ASHBURTON GUARDIAN.

NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. Professor F. Clark, HAIRDRESSER, STATIONER, AND FANCY GOODS DEALER, MONTGOMERY’S BUILDINGS, ashbubton, Has JUST IMPORTED from Melbourne a large assortment of FANCY GOODS, too numerous to specify in detail, amongst which are the following : G.B.D. Pipes, m cases Cherry do. do. Also pipes of every other description Dolls, Toy Watches Rowing Boats. Trumpets Shuttlecocks and Battledores Whips, Spades, Popguns Mouth Harraonicons And all kinds of Gentlemen’s Studs West’s Patent Solitaires Also Ladies’ Hair Pads, Frizettes, &c, NOVELS—<c Black Angel,” “ Star of the South,” “ Fiery Cross,” &c. Haircutting, Shaving, and Shampooing Saloon. Agent for the Ashburton Guardian. Note the address ; MONTGOMERY’S BUILDINGS. ASHBURTON. 513*

D. Fitzpatrick, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Fowler’s Buildings, Tancred Street, Ashburton. ALL descriptions of Boots and Shoes made to order, at reasonable prices, 300 DANIEL FITZPATRICK. FORMS PRINTED —“To Let” and “ For Sale ” —can be obtained at the Guardian Office,

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume 2, Issue 206, 2 December 1880, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Ashburton Guardian, Volume 2, Issue 206, 2 December 1880, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Ashburton Guardian, Volume 2, Issue 206, 2 December 1880, Page 3