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Monday, March 15. Before His Honor Judge Ward. R. RATION V. RARE AND ANOTHER. Claim L 142, for work done on the Rakaia and Ashburton Porks Railway, for for the construction of which defendants held a contract. The plaintiff stated that he had done work for the defendants to the amount of the claim. A certain amount of the claim for work done had been admitted, but the balance was disputed. Daniel Loach and two other witnesses measured portions of the works, and the amounts charged for by plaintiff were correct. Judgment for the amount claimed with costs was entered, with immediate execution. Mr. Purnell for plaintiff. R. RAVIXT V. SANDREY AND BL^KLY. Mr. O’Reilly applied, on the plaintiff, for a change of venu church and an adjournment.—Granted. E. SARNIGHAUSEN V. W. H. ZOUCH, TRUSTEE IN THE ESTATE OF SANDO AND BOWLING. Adjourned till next Court day. RE THOMAS DUDSON. Application by Mr. O’Reilly for payment of costs.

Mr. Purnell appeared for the trustee, and opposed the application. . The Judge refused the application on the ground that the appomtment of ths trustees who employed Mr. 0 Reil y ° ee SANDO AND BOWLING. Mr. Purnell applied for an order for payment of costs in this estate, which was granted subject to taxation. Mr. W. H. Zouch applied for an order by his Honor enforcing the bankrupts Sando and Bowling to file schedules of baw Bfrptcy as individuals as well as partners. His reason for making this application was that previous to the failure of the firm one of the bankrupts had removed a quantity of furniture from the business premises, claiming it as his private property, and this furniture applicant desired to have put into the estate of the firm. His Honor said there was no order required. If a bankrupt firm’s property would not cover their liabilities, the individual members were liable in their private property. Ths Court then adjourned.

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume 1, Issue 74, 16 March 1880, Page 2

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DISTRICT COURT. Ashburton Guardian, Volume 1, Issue 74, 16 March 1880, Page 2

DISTRICT COURT. Ashburton Guardian, Volume 1, Issue 74, 16 March 1880, Page 2