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Business Notices, RAKAIA ANNOUNCEMENT. G. A. VINCENT, PRACTICAL PAINTER, GLAZIER, PAPERHANGER, &c., Near Bank New Zealand, RAKAIA, BEGS to announce that he has comm enced Business in Rakaia, and all orders entrusted to him will receive prompt attention. 294 MEDICAL HALL. Established 1874. J QAM BRIDGE, DRUGGIST, FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST, Has always in Stock— SPONGES —Honeycomb and Turkey Toilet TRUSSES—Common Circular, Cole’s, Salmon and Ody’s, Mocmain, &c. ELASTIC STOCKINGS —Knee Caps, Wristlets, and Anklets ; Abdominal Belts in Silk and Thread. FEEDING BOTTLES—Mather’s, Maw’s, Dean’s, Stocker’s, Ayrton and Saunders’, O’Connell’s. INFANTS’ FOODS—Liebig’s, Hard’s, Neave’s, Ridge’s, Nestle’s. COD LIVER OILS—De Jongh’s, Langton’s, Holler’s, Foxe’s, Southall Bros, PERFUMERY—Piesse and Lubin’s, Rimmel’s, Gosnell’s, Briedenbach’s, Low’s, The Crown Perfumery Company’s HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES, lIOMCEOPATHIC MEDICINES—LeaIh and Ross’s, Turner’s, and Martin’s. TEETH CAREFULLY EXTRACTED. ' 2 james McDonald, PRACTICAL TAILOR, East stbeei, Asheurtoj. A good Stock of Tweeds and Cloths on hat d. Summer Goods open shortly. 71 GREENSTREET FORGE, Ashburton Forks. WILLIAM REVELL, Blacksmith, Wheelright, and Agricultural Machinist, HAVING considerably extended his Business Premises, can guarantee all work entrusted to him to be executed in a thoroughly competent manner, and with despatch. 359 g J. R. CHAPMAN, JOINTER, GLAZIER, PAPERHANGER & SIGNWRITER, Importer of Paper-hangings, White Lead, Glass, &c. The trade supplied at lowert Wholesale Prices. 17 WM. ANDERSON, SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKER, Ashburton, HAS always in STOCK a complete assortment of every description of Saddlery, Harness, Whips, Saddlers’lronmongery, &c., imported direct from England. Goods to order manufactured on the premises of the best Materials, and at the lowest rates. 11 BUTCHERS, BAKERS, GENERAL STOREKEEPERS, GRAIN AND SEED MERCHANTS, NORTON FARM, SEAFIELD. JONES AND CO., Norton Farm, Seafield, return thanks to their patrons for the hearty support accorded to them since Norton Farm was opened as a Butchery, Bakery, and General Store, and solicit a continuance of past favors, assuring customers that their interest will always have first consideration at the hands of the advertisers. Jones and Co. beg to inform their friends and the public in the Seafield and neighboring districts, that their Bread Meat, and Store Carts travel the following routes on the days given below : Seafield to Kyle, and Acton — Wednesdays. Seafield to Wakanui Homestead, Wakanui School, and Creek, back by Christie’s Road — Thursdays. Seafield to North Seafield, Charing Cross, Dundas, Cambridge, returning by Pioneer Road — Fridays. In view of the Harvest, orders for attendance of the Cart may be left at the Store, Norton Farm, Seafield ; Wakanui School, with Mr. Ginney ; with Mr. Lambie, at Kyle ; and with Mr Brown, blacksmith, Clontarf. JONES AND CO., NORTON FARM, Seafield. Butchers, Bakers, General Storekeepers, Grain and Seed Merchants. AGENTS FOR THE ASHBURTON HERALD AND GUARDIAN. 679 a RABBITS! RABBITS!! P . HARPER, FISHMONGER AND POULTERER Near the Ashburton Hotel, East Street. BEGS to inform the inhabitants i f Ashburton that he HAS OPENED In the above line, and trusts, by stnu attention to business, and supplying bn! articles of first class quality, hopes t merit a share of public patronage OYSTER SALOON. Hot Fried Fish and Tea and Coffee at all hours.

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume 1, Issue 67, 28 February 1880, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Ashburton Guardian, Volume 1, Issue 67, 28 February 1880, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Ashburton Guardian, Volume 1, Issue 67, 28 February 1880, Page 1