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Auctioneers and Commisssion Agents I7IDMISTON BROS. & GUNDRY 'j (late bullock AND CO.), ASHBURTON, General Merchants, Auctioneers, Stock, Station, Estate, and Commission Agents. Sales of Stock, Farm Implements, &c., -will J>e held at their Yards, Ashburton land the Tinwald Yards, on alternate TUESDAYS. CASH ADVANCES Made on Stock, Produce, &c., consigned for Positive Sale. EDMISTON BROS. & GUNDRY. 19 ALFRED HARRISON, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AGENT, ETC. SALES, Sales of Stock, Merchandise, Furniture and Effects, also Pigs, Fowls, and General Produce. WEEKLY SALE Every SATURDAY at 12 o’clock. SALE YA"DS ATTENDED. ntries can be made at my office or at the Yards. Agent for the Transatlantic Fire Insurance Company. 5 FARMERS AND OTHERS. Messrs, acland, Campbell, & CO. are prepared to supply Farmers and others with Station Stores, Fencing Wire, Fencing Staples, Standards, &c., at Lowest Rates, and of First-class quality. AGENTS FOR THE ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL £2,000,000 NSURANCES EFFECTED AT LOWEST RATES. ACLAND, CAMPBELL & CO., 65 Auctioneers. pREDK. pAVITT, E/st Street (Close to the Railway Station) Ashburton, V Land and General Commission Agent. Orders taken for—Sydney Drays, Newcastle Coal, and Malvern (by the truck load), Building Materials of all kinds, Fencing Wire, Agricultural Implements, English and American, &c., &c. I MESSRS. POYNTZ & CO., A N t||f yi STATE, GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. Rents and Debts Collected. Money advanced on Freehold Security. 7 Building Materials. TOTARA ! TOTARA ! ! TOTARA ! ! ! ’^NOTICE. To'members of County Councils, Road Boards, Contractors, and others. THE undersigned desires to notify that he is prepared to supply SAWN TOTARA (or Black Pine) for Bridges, Culverts Slabbing wells, or other purposes, of any dimensions, and in large or small quantities to suit customers. ALPHEUS HAYES, Timber Merchant, East street, Ashburton. N.B. —Building Timber, Firewood, Stakes, &c., now on sale at the yards, East street, near Railway station, at lowest current rates, or can be delivered at any station along the line direct from the mills. Firewood by the truck-load at greatly reduced prices. 9C7a* —413 g Ashburton steam saw mills SASH AND DOOR MANUFACTORY. G. PARKIN, Proprietor, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR. Moore Street, Every description of Timber and Budding Materials in Stock and supplied on most reasonable terms. Plans prepared and Estimates Given ou the shortest notice. 26 BRICKS. fyHE UNDERSIGNED having COMPLETEL ffieirKlLN at Ashburton, arc prepared to SUPPLY BRICKS, equal tc any made in the Colony, at any Station up or down. Samples to be seen at the Con pany i Offices, Ashburton, Rakaia, and Y inslow • W. MONTGOMERY &CO [Limited] 32 ALMANAC for 1880, printed on a neat card, with Ashburton Directory, Postal and Railway Guide, can be obtained gratuitiously at the “ Guardian ” Office. Drawing paper, all sizes, just opened at WEEKS AND DIXON, East street.

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Ashburton Guardian, Volume 1, Issue 61, 14 February 1880, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Ashburton Guardian, Volume 1, Issue 61, 14 February 1880, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Ashburton Guardian, Volume 1, Issue 61, 14 February 1880, Page 1