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Rangiwakaoma; these boundaries written in this letter all go back to Oahanga[?]. Any talk you might hear from people on the coast is wrong, it is not correct. Rather if we all agreed, then it is right. Take note that from Wairarapa out to the coast and across to Manawatu will not be given to you. Friend, we have heard some of you Pakeha say that the land should just be taken without our knowledge. Friend, that would not be good, for if you, the Pakeha, act in that way, take our land covertly, it would be wrong and there will be trouble in those parts. Consider Pewhairangi, look at Wairau, they are examples for you and I, for there was trouble over those parts taken covertly. The people who brought back in the boundaries were 100. From Hohepa, Te Retimana, Rawiri
Rangiwakaoma; ko enei rohe kua tuhia ki tenei pukapuka, ka hoki katoa ki Oahanga[?]. Ko te korero a nga tangata o te takutai i rongo na koe, e he ana, kaore e tika. Engari mehemea i whakaae katoa matou, ka tika. Tena ko tenei, kaore ka mau Wairarapa puta noa ki te takutai, puta noa ki Manawatu, e kore e hoatu mou. E ho[a], kua rongo matou ki etahi o koutou o nga Pakeha e ki ana me tango kuwhare noa iho te whenua. E hoa, e kore e pai, ki te mea ka penatia e koutou e nga Pakeha, te tikanga me tango kuware to matou whenua, ka kino he he kei roto o ena wahi. Tirohia e koe Pewhairangi, titiro ki Wairau, kei kona he tikanga ma taua, he he kei roto i ena wahi i te tango kuware i te whenua. Ko nga tangata nana i whakahoki nga rohe 100. Na Hohepa, na Te Retimana, na Rawiri