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Brown and Witene Te Meihana of Ngatiruanui had connection with Rihipeti a married niece of the Witenes and his sister Ngape. Wi Tana heard of this and went to have a taua to Puketapu and burnt some houses Timu of Puketapu the husband of the woman and destroyed some wheat by fire. Brown interfered in this affair his woman belonging to the Puketapu tribe. Brown took some things from Ngapei a sister of Witanas living at Mr. Cooks. Ngapae sent to inform the Puketapu of her things being taken from her by Mr. Brown. Ngapei and Te Tana her brother went to town to get some satisfaction or rather to remonstrated with him for his interference with Ngapei. Others of the Puketapu tribe who had been to town to get some satisfaction or rather to remonstrate with him for his interference with Ngapei. Others of the Puketapu tribe who had been to town purchasing a cow joined Ngapei, and Brown was driving them off and the aggrieved party Witana would not go, and Brown struck him on the head whilst sitting with a whip. It is at present doubt