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In the morning at the Police office with Captain King, who gave me permission to use the Police office when wanted for drill. The men steadily improving in their exercises; got drilled with Sergeant Halse from 4 to 5 in the evening. Spoke to Capt. King for a horse for the Police. Town and natives quiet. Basil Taylor joined Mr. Marchant's school. Attended drill in the forenoon, along with the men. Dined at Capt. King's, and spent a pleasant evening at his house. Left Basil Taylor at school. Walked about with Campbrll on his watch till near 12 at night. Went to bed. At home all day sorting papers and letters. Copied letter sent to His Excellency by the settlers here, and forwarded enclosed in a letter to my uncle. The Sergeant of Police reported all quiet. The Carbon not sailed. Intended to have visited Waitara; and the Police men had a horse, but the weather looked doubtful, and having had so much wetting lately, remained at home all day. Attended fore and afternoon service, and in the evening at Mr. Turton's.