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the Kainga of Kututai, but only called there in deference to that chief and his tribe. Got to Mokotanu as the sun set in the Western Hemisphere, and fared well on fresh fish and potatoes, with tea and cake for a finish. From here I wrote a note to the Rev. W.Woon of Waimate, by Kereopa, enclosing two £ notes I had for him from Patea. News from New Plymouth. All is quiet. The candidates for employment in the Police Force anxiously awaiting my arrival to be employed. Wanted to get a pig for my boys, but none to spare. Breakfasted at Kaihihi. Censured Hoani of Kukiorangi for his conduct at Wanganui, which he seemed to take to heart. Had tea at Wellington Carrington's, and some biscuit. Got to New Plymouth in the evening, calling at Barret's, Revd. Turton's and Black's on the way to the Henui. Webster came out with me. The house cold and uncomfortable; all damp and mildewed. Dorset and Watt called to see me. Wrote a note to Mr. Bollard, sending him letters from Waikanae.