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Crossed with Mr. Taylor in the morning. Called at King's, and Captain Campbell's, where I arrived after Church time. Slept at the Mission House. This morning started about 11 a.m. from Mr. Taylor's, his eldest son Basil along with me, Hoping I may make a smarter boy of him. At Toramahi engaged 4 natives, besides Imairo. Called on the different friends at Wanganui, amongst whom there was none I felt so much the parting with as Capt. Campbell. If there ever was a freindly, good-hearted man, he is certainly one. He came to Dr. Wilson's to see me off; and I never felt my heart so heavy for many a day as I did leaving the good old Captain. What seldom happens with me, the tears twinkled in my eyes, and had I not Basil Taylor with me, to whom I did not like to show my grief, I should have chosen a green hillock, to have cried bitterly at the idea of parting with an old gentleman that I might never see again. How sudden are the changes of life! What has been yesterday, is no more to-day! Such is life! Oh! uncertain life, with all thy