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when the Taupo party of January 184 - . Tuesday, May 5th, 1846. Dark and rainy looking in the morning about 11 A.M. proceeded with the surveyors to have the boundaries pointed out about 20 of them delegates from the several tribes were with us and our first start was to Motukaraka or Wilsons Bluff accompanied by Te Kawana and Mitikingi on our way we killed a bush pig and were greatly amused by our guide Te Kawana who ran about from hill to hill taking quaint observations with his quata for quadrant as he termed a walking stick he had in his hand. He managed with his natural quickness and good eyesight to lay down the boundary between the Waingahu and Wanganui Natives straight as a line could be drawn and after some heavy walking through swamp and sand with occasional lagoons covered with wild duck we encamped late in the evening at Capt.Campbells section at Heretoa lake which is the prettiest spot I have yet seen at Wanganui. Here we had some dinner and by moonlight Mr. Willis and myself walked in to Wanganui he wished to write by the Catharine Johnson to Col.Wakefield and I was desirous of seeing some Waingahu natives to include their lands that they might receive a portion of Mr. Spains award and thus settle the Eastern boundary. Paid Mr. Taylors boys for ferrying us across the river 1/6 related proceedings to Hynds slept at Capt. M. Campbells.