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claimed by the N. Z. C. on the southern extremity and the Ngaraurus of Waitotara on the northern this will evidently prove an unforseen difficulty, dined for the first time at the Mess. Sunday, 3 May, 1846. Attended church in the forenoon dined at Capt. Campbells spent the Evening there and went to bed about 1/2 past 8 P.M. Monday, 4 May, 1846. Breakfasted at Mess not remembering I promised to have done so at Mr. Kings R. Magistrate till I met him in the street and was reminded by him of my promise I answered that I had a bad throat had already had tea but would join him in another cup Capt. Campbell was there to breakfast. After Breakfast Mr. Symonds called up to tell me that Dr. Rees had said that Maketu an influential chief and claimant would not come near us and had determined on keeping away but the notoriety of Mr. Rees story telling had become such a byeword in the place that I told Mr. Symonds to patiently listen to all he might hear but not to be alarmed about the absence of Maketu who made his appearance by 11 A.M. with some of his followers but I fear this will not stop