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the latter chief promises to give them a portion of the compensation awarded by Mr. Comissioner Spain which is highly honorable on his part and his conduct yesterday has been a determined step but will prove most favourable to a settlement of the Land claims. The Wangahus are a very distant uncivilised race and will give us some trouble before we have done. I have been unusually independant with them and from the chiefs scowling look would not shake hands with him. Settled a case between Hulk and Rangitauira about some timber to which Hulk has come forward handsomely to pay the chief more than I considered was his right. Started at one o'clock up the river in Mr. Taylors large canoe pulled by my own natives and some of the Wanganui chiefs young men who I intend taking to Taranaki to join the Police if His Excellency should consent to it. We got up the river the tide in our favour very speedily food being put on board at the different settlements we passed. In writing this as well as in all my movements I cannot avoid constant thoughts of home Aunt Jessie and others seem as if accompanying me on all my journeys how delighted she would be with some of the scenes and scenery I pass through. A short time before my arrival at Tuauhaere the natives had a quarrel about their cultivations