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with the survey being carried through the lands they wish reserved for themselves. We were obliged to refer the difference to Mr. Symonds and when it was explained that it was only to be surveyed to shew how much land they were to have they agreed but Mawai the principal Chief was determined that he should have a block for his tribe and a portion of the Patutokotokos and therefore went after the survey would not hear of their surveying the land as the Company had it laid down on the map saying he never agreed to part with his lands without at least reserving what he wished for himself that would include 700 acres more than was reserved on the Companys plan but all of it is cut up with plantations and native gardens that a single could not be chosen out of the Block without annoyances from the owners of such land. The Companys Surveyor is fully convinced of this and admits the justice of Mawais claim his candour Mawais and determination shew that he fully intends to hold by his bargain when once made that he will have this block sacred to himself and his people and will also hold his word good as to what he sells and expressed fully in his language and manner the first boundary stake he