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whom I had a long conversation as to his prospects in N. Zealand. I find he is not a member of the Established Church but materially the same principles and religion. I promised him a few months residence if he visited me at Taranaki gave his Natives a trifle to encourage them to behave well to him and his colleague the articles were two shirts 1/2 H. tobc. with good advice as to their behaviour to a man of the same or nearly so religious principles as myself I regret my stock of cash was so small but gave him £ a sovereign to pay his way though I did not feel certain that he wanted it was tendered as a token of my good wishes towards him and my desire that God may bless and prosper all his servants that faithfully attend their calling. Wrote the Wangahu natives stopped at the Hotel all day wet blowy and disagreeable weather no means of getting to work had lunch with the P. M. in the forenoon dined at the Mess at 6 P. M. writing in the evening. Tuesday, 12 May, 1846. Up at 6 A. M. fine clear weather posted letters for Wellington heavy flood on the river which looks beautifull breakers on the outer bar no conveyance to Wellington for some time till the sea subsides. The surveyors have gone to lay down the west