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and after passing the first bank or range of hills we got in to a valley about half a mile wide claimed by the Wangahu tribe which we ran down till we reached our surveying party who were then at Dr. Allisons where I appointed to meet them had a good breakfast and moved down to - Camerons about a mile distant where we feasted on cream milk and with the usual welcome that my countrypeople the good highlanders are celebrated for as truly recorded by Burns "In heaven itself I'll ask no more than just a Highland welcome". The rain poured down in torrents and all our party were anxious to get home. We arrived at the Hotel about 4 P. M. had dinner at 6 P. M. with Nixon Esq. J. P. left there being rather fatigued early in the evening and got to bed. Sunday, 10 May, 1846. This holy day deserves to be particularly noticed by me from having for the first time for the last two years heard a Presbyterian clergyman oh how lovely it is to worship God in the simplicity of our hearts how delightfull to have his words proclaimed without pomp form or shew