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Mount Herbert 17 Dec. 1863. My dear Maclean, We arrived all safe, and I am hard at work with a list of things wanting attention. It was high time I did come home tho generally my people have done very fairly. I have written Mr. Chapman to send as soon as possible 3 pairs of sawyers to cut 70,000 feet at 12/-, as the Sweeps here have struck for 14/- and 15/- and will scarcely work at that. 1 married couple for Major Lambert 1 man or stout lad for Tavistock 1 lad to cook and make himself generally useful at my smith. I have desired Mr. Chapman to advance part of money and to draw on you for the amount. I shall see the money stopped from the Grantees. I have a splendid lot of hands on now with my grass seed, which must have been nearly all lost but for this timely importation. I commence washing tomorrow, and shall be in the thick of shearing next week. Please write a note to Chapman authorising him to advance all sums for the passage money of any parties I may order. I have dismissed two old hands already and it is wonderful how submissive all hands are. We are getting into our natural position with our work people now. I hope Miss McLean and you will come up to my brothers party next Tuesday. I really wish to see you about the Stockade or Barracks rather. I have written Whitmore asking him to allow the defence force to volunteer a few hands for Herrick and some from this to get over the shearing. Back me up. These puppies of officers set their face agt. the men going out. The shearing is a public benefit so I think there ought to be no scruple. Yrs. always, H. R. Russell. Please write Col. Balneavis to pass any people Mr. Chapman may wish to come into Napier with letters to you. Don't delay this in case of stoppage when sailing.