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Mount Herbert 11 June 1863 My dear Maclean, My message arrived with your letters while I was at Waipawa attending the Court this afternoon. I am glad to see things looking so well, at the same time it is unnecessary to see that vigorous measures are about to be taken to put the Province into a proper state of defence. It is better to shew the Natives what we intend to do to defend ourselves, than to allow them to find out by casual information that we are arming. I shall be curious, however, to learn how they like the enlisting of the new Police force at Otago. It is fortunate Whitmore went to Taranaki as he had an opportunity of seeing the fighting and had done us good since. I recognise I think his style in the very graphic and interesting account of the engagement published in the paper you sent me. I shall find an opportunity of forwarding Ormond's letter tomorrow I hope. He is very much opposed to the controlling of the Militia either town or country as we have to fear Waikato invasion more than local enemies, I am favourable to the organisation of the force, and to its being called out at Napier for training. I shall be much pleased to see you and Major Whitmore next week, but I think the Meeting ought to be quietly at my house where it would not attract so much observation, wither from Natives or Europeans, as if it were at the Inn. Walls have ears and wooden walls more than any others. I shall be able to give you and Whitmore beds if it suits you to remain with us for the night, The Police Constable - Parlper(-?) 1/3 goes to Napier tomorrow morning with a Reminder (?) for debt, and will bring back your plans about the Meeting etc. If you will let me know what settlers you would like to seem I shall see that they have notice of the day your fix to be here. Thanks for the Newspapers. Yours always, H. R. Russell. I wrote you a hurried letter by the Hapuku who was to go and see you on Friday. It relates to the Reserve at Waipukerau which he writes me to lease. It seems he has some claim to a portion of it, and altho' he recognises Hori's right to let it, still he wants to be concerned in it and also to have a share of the Rent. I have a lease for 10 years from last April of all the reserve on the South side of Tuki Tuki except a portion fenced off and let years ago to my Brother and about 25 acres or so south of the Row of Houses and all in front of the Houses. My rent is £25. Hapuku proposes that I shd. take the whole for £45 except the portion let to my brother, and the 25 acres or thereabouts close to the Wares. This is too much rent - more than it is worth to me except to keep others out. But I am willing to give £40 a year for a lease for 21 years. - Hapuku to deceive £20 a year, and Hori £20 a year hereafter. I have paid Hori £25 for this years rent, but am willing to pay Hapuku £20 also for this year (thus losing £5) if the matter is settled. I must have right to fence any portion of it in, and to use it for any purpose I like during the Lease. If you can give me your assistance in arranging this, I shall be deeply obliged and it will put an end to all disputes with the Natives. I mentioned in my letter for Hapuku that Mr. Locke and I thought it of great importance that the piece of disputed land near ray gate should be settled as soon as possible, as they are continually harping on it. If you approve Mr. Locke could make a plan of a boundary which would be distinct and satisfactory to all parties, and then you could consider whether a small payment would not settle the matter for ever. Excuse my troubling you in these anxious times about matters which may appear to be somewhat of a selfish and personal nature, but they have connection with a lative grienarce or what they imagine to be one, and the sooner removed the better Yours in haste, H. R. Russell,