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else to put down the Maori King movement. I greatly fear that unless the Government now step in to put an end to this quarrel, any interference of the Waikatos may turn the scales against the English, and that we shall find those whom we might now make friends or confirm them as such, will become our decided opponents. Mr. Whiteley further informed me that after the conversation before alluded to Ihaia had intrusted him with a duplicate of the former letter, now containing ninety five signatures, thereby confirming the wishes expressed in the original. I feel fully persuaded that were his Excellency to issue a Proclamation to the Natives declaring his intention to interfere to put an end to this quarrel; pointing out in a plain and firm manner the ills and misery attending it, and expressing his care for their welfare in so interfering, such a measure would be hailed by a very great proportion of the Natives as a boon. I am aware that great difficulties would attend the carrying of it out, but I do not believe they would be insuperable, and the end to be obtained is so noble a one that the attempt must I believe signify the man who shall make it. Be assured that we shall never have any solid peace or enjoy quietness in New Zealand until British law be proclaimed, and maintained not only as supreme, but as the only one. The Maoris must not only be forced to submit to, but must also be brought to feel that they enjoy the protection of our laws and government; in fact they must become convinced that such laws and government are equally theirs. Whenever this is accomplished the prosperity of the country will have been settled on a firm basis. Until then we are in constant danger of an explosion, the consequences of which it is fearful to contemplate. We have hitherto tided over these difficulties but I believe the time has now arrived, when we must once and for ever put them down, or they may become too great for us to grapple with. I trust that though crudely, I have yet expressed my views sufficiently clear, on