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Ministers, is the fact that the real voice of the settlers is drowned and stifled in the towns and centres of population by a rabble of ''loafers'' and ''new chums'' - What those really having the interests of the Colony at heart ought to do, is by Memorials, and public meetings, to demand the Governor either to dismiss his present Ministry or at once to convene the Assembly. Hawkes Bay, I am glad to see, has already made a move in this direction. I hope they will go further. You will have seen that the N. Land Court hadn't the pluck to go on with the Manawatu dissentients' claims - they got into a funk, and bolted back to Wellington. The Government propose to settle the matter by a Commission of four - Manning and Fenton being appointed by them - one by the dissentients - and one by myself - Will you kindly act for me? I believe you will consent, if you can possibly leave your Province. I shall therefore tomorrow nominate you as the Commissioner of the Province, subject to your acquiescence I had not told you, that very grave interests and very grave political questions depend upon the decision of the Commission. You will enjoy the confidence of both parties. I have just ascertained from Stafford that he sees no objection