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Press, Nov. 28, 1865 My dear MacLean I have received some information in confidence, with leave to write to you, which you should know. Two men G. E. Read, and -- Green who engaged in the earlier part of the war in landing powder and arms for the Natives about Turanga to be taken to Taranaki. My informant saw it landed and the natives gave 13/- a pound for the powder. It came from Auckland. Now the man Green is gone down again to the East coast it is said on the same game I lose no time in letting you know that you may have your eye on him. Dont say where you got your information or it might spot my informant. We are fighting your battle here. Canterbury will stand by the Southern Provinces of the Northern Island. Your successes on the East Coast are immensely appreciated here. And I was glad to hear your name received with a genuine cheer at a public meeting last night I hope you will get one really good victory at Turanga when I presume the war will be over on that part of the island. What is being done about the Maori meeting? I know how busy you are but if you have time to keep me informed of the most important and movements of affairs in the North pray do. I have no doubt we shall get a good majority in the House next Session when we must force through the Districts Bill I want to get those East Coast lands for the district before Auckland grabs them. Yours very truly, James Edward Fitzgeral