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Mount Herbert 31st July 1867 My dear Maclean, Thanks for yr. letter short tho' it was. I am sorry to say I can't get down in time to catch the steamer of the 1st (tomorrow) as I have had and still have a great deal of trouble about Tarewa which Rathbone has been endeavouring to slip into to the exclusion of everybody. He has got in a kind of way 440 acres near Mutanuku on a lease for 14 years, but Parris and I went to work and secured effectually our 1000 acres. I shall tell you all about my troubles when I see you. Mrs. Russell I am sorry to say is not at all well and I scarcely like to leave even now, but if she is no worse I shall start overland via Masterton on the 4th and hope to be in Wellington on the 9th. I see there is to be a call of the House if we Lords don't turn up by the 30th. It is too bad after all for so many to be absent but we must arrange to have the Session henceforth in May. I hear Tareha has not come to the point of peace yet, but I think he will give way soon. Yrs. in haste H. R. Russell I am glad to see the Ultras so completely beaten. I hope I shall find a Bed at the Club. His Honor D. McLean Esq. M. H. R.