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Auckland 28th Decr. 1873 Dear Mr. McLean I forward herewith the copy of a letter I received from Dr.Pollen relative to extra remuneration for the additional duties I have performed - he will do anything in his power and I feel sure it only requires your approval for me to obtain the £4.3.4 a month from 1st July to 31st Decr. - When Dr. Pollen went to Wellington last July he said I would be paid for the Sub Treasurers Work. No one can know better than yourself the amt. of work to be done here by any one acting for the Govt.Agent. I have been congratulated by many persons for getting on so well with everyone - I have had no extra assistance, the only person here is young Pollen the consequence is I have had constant night work to prevent large arrears of work. Some of these days I will prove to you that I have been studying your interests, by watching a man here who is working up the Hawkes Bay Land transactions. I shall write to you when I know definitely what he is doing. Yours faithfully Edward L. Green