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Waiapu Feby. 23rd. 1869. My dear McLean, I have just received your letter of the 31st. Jan. For the last three weeks we have been completely blocked up here. Incessant rains have rendered the rivers and roads impassable. I have never seen such weather at this season. I have written you an official on the subject of the Hau Hau lands. I wish as soon as you can possibly spare time that you would come up the Coast. The Natives one and all declare that you are the only man that they will treat with in anything connected with land so I trust that for the general good you will be able to devote a little of your valuable time to this not unimportant subject. Te Kooti you of course know is in the neighbourhood of Opotiki. I enclose you a letter which old Hokamau sent me yesterday. I hope Government will at once take steps to secure him before he can do more mischief. There was a large runanga here last week at which most of the chiefs were present. They drew up a long letter to the Govt. and among other requests was one that no other magistrate should be sent here that I was the one they wanted. You dont tell me anything about the sitting of Assembly or the advent/of the Prince. Kindest remembrances to your sister. ever yours J. H. Campbell.