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Wellington 17 May, 1873 My Dear McLean, Allow me to introduce to you Captn.Edwin R.N., whom perhaps you may remember as Lieutenant in H.M.S. Falcon. He has been appointed by Mr. Vogel to the Marine Department at my suggestion to assist in the work, especially in the professional part, in which he is well up, as to navigation, survey, light houses etc. He is now going to Napier to advise Ormond as to the proposed light house - I think that you will like him and that he will be very useful - He only gets at the rate of three hundred pounds (£300) per annum, so I do not think his employment can be called extravagant. I literally have no time to write to you on general subjects, - but I hope to see you soon here. Bell is come - Hall though willing will not fairly consent to join our ministry, as he is afraid of being accused of turn coating - He will I think give us a general support. We are thinking of the idea of asking Fitzherbert to join us, but it has not yet been discussed in Cabinet and of course you would have to give your opinion. I think he would be a great strength to us, and much weaken Opposition - This is only in strict confidence at present - but you can think it over and I hope you will agree if the other Ministers do. Yours truly, W. Gisborne