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that after all my experience I have got quite disgusted with it and would rather be a farmer on shore as long as I could make out day and way than following the deep. Times are dreadful poor in this country at preasent and I well no my dear D. you will be able to do something for me out there. Anyhow I will have a better chance than here. My wife is a most noble creature and one you will be pleased to see. You may be able to get me some employment under yourself that would be more comfortable than the way I am. I will take all my nautical instruments with me in case I may go to sea about the coast. My dear D. I have often longed to be together and perhaps the Almighty has put dificulties in my way to force me at last to join my brothers. Flora Ann is well married and I expect Catherine will be as well before long. C. is a noble girl and so is my dear little pet Annabella. If I can make money in New Zealand I certainly will have her out with me. I hope your son is doing well. My wife having none of her own will be a good teacher for him,