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Poverty Bay May 23rd 1876 Sir, I have for some months been employed in writing a history of the campaigns in New Zealand, or rather the campaigns of the Colonial Forces - before Publishing them I wish to receive your approval I may state that I have carefully avoided blameing individuals therefore the work cannot offend anyone I have already written 450 Pages of manuscript and as far as I can see at present shall have to write another 150 before it will be complete. My reasons for undertaking the work were as follows, I had been present in most of the important campaigns and had kept a diary of everything that occurred, also I had opportunities that I think no other officer possessed of getting information from those officers now few in number who had really seen Service thus I had plenty of material at hand - It may be that the expense will prevent me publishing at once but I hope to do so within a few years. I do not suppose for a moment that the work will be well written but there will be much interesting matter and above all it will be reliable. There is a subject Sir on which I have not hitherto liked to write or speak to you and which I trust you will excuse my touching on now - it is my having been made junior to Capt. Rowan in the Constabulary and I have always thought it possible that you were not aware of the fact. When Capt. Rowan received his Sub Inspectorship he was gazetted back to the date of Te Ngatu O Te Manu - now that officer at that date had not seen three weeks service in the Colonial Forces and I had seen four years all through the Opotiki Campaign, General Chutes, and McDonnells West Coast Campaigns - After Te Ngutu we both received Captains Commissions in the N.Z. Militia and mine was some months senior to Capt. Rowans - I had been promised the 1st vacancy in the A.C. Force from Col. Haultain and received it almost immediately after you may judge my surprise Sir when I found Mr. Rowan gazetted senior to me in the Force. I trust Sir that in the event of any promotion in the Force Mr. Rowan may not be made Inspector over my head. I have the honor to be, Sir Your most obed. servt. W. E. Gudgeon The Honble. the Native Minister Sir Donald McLean