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Napier 19th Novr. 1870 Dear Mr.McLean Mr.Ormond went into the country this morning and left a note desiring me to forward the enclosed copy of a letter for your information. I have a great deal to do for the Wellington Mail and also preparing the papers connected with the Taupo Postal Contract, which are required to day, Mr. Fannin has gone for a trip in the Luna - There seems to be more work than ever, I never get home in time to do any work at my house, the wood work is perishing for want of paint and I cannot afford to employ a professional, the first Saturday there is not so much to do I shall ask Mr. Ormond for leave - The Judge this last session in addressing the Jury relative to a case of false imprisonment of Buchanans Sons by Roper, told them that the plaintiff would have been justified if he had had fire arms in his possession in shooting the Defendant. Wilson has taken up the case and I think will try to make all the harm he can of it, he has found out from the Reporters that the Judges address as published in the Herald is not the same as delivered, Wilson calls it most dangerous doctrine to come from a Judge in open Court, he is angry because the damages against Roper will have to be paid by Watt. The Country is looking really beautiful, I hope the rains will not injure the crops when ready for cutting. I remain, Yours faithfully Edward L. Green