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a premium of from 5 to 7½ p.c. and that there is no sinking fund attached to it until it has all been expended, or till the expiration of ten years - Besides the name of the Impl. Gov. to it, enhances yr. credit in the market for other loans. I only wish for the sake of the Colony, it had been received more graciously, and not in the snarling spirit of the ''Times's Correspondent'', who I must say has succeeded in writing most damaging letters to the Colony. I dined with your Brother and Niece the other day at Durham, and enjoyed my visit amazingly - I hope you have agreed to Morrison's claim, which is exceedingly moderate, and have given him an adequate salary for the future. I came home perhaps rather prejudiced against him - but I find he has been a most efficient, and faithful agent - and has often protected the credit of the Govt. by advances from his private funds. He has sometimes been out of pocket some three thousand pounds. We have now made arrangements to prevent this in future