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the other the Ngatiawas. After this Nepia and his people returned to Rangitikei where they were welcomed by the Ngatiapas. But it is said he never claimed a right to the country, and was therefore tolerated by the Ngatiapas who no doubt at that time would have been willing to make over to him a sufficient portion of land for his use. The above is admitted to be correct by many of the Ngatiraukawas themselves in its most important points. Hakeke (Kawana Humia's father) and Nepia were frequently allied together for mutual defence and friendly relations were generally maintained between both tribes, which were first disturbed by an accidental circumstarice. A large boat, belonging to Europeans, was wrecked upon the Rangitikei coast and the body of a relation of Watanui and Nepia, (named Koraria) who was a passenger on board, was cast ashore at Turakina. Clothes and other articles washed upon the beach were taken possession of by the Ngatiapas and hostilities had very nearly