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most want. Although I, who say it most keenly, appreciate the high qualities of the younger leaders. I know no fault in our new levies, except that they are new. The lot we saw on the ''Wellington'' were in action a few hours after landing at Whanganui. It would not do to have two sets of men enlisting together. Otherwise, I should gladly have Scully's help. The men must not be local, for we do not know where they may be needed, or when. I remain my dear McLean Yours faithfully (Signed) J.C. Richmond. To:- His Honor D. McLean Napier. P.S. Tell Hotene of my other note, as soon as it is acted on; and give him, Ropata, Ihaka, and the rest, my kind regards; begging them to remember my words that our blow must be well directed as well as quick. Tell them we are raising men, and beg them to be patient. I think a part might go up the Coast for a week or so, if they desire it, leaving fifty to keep the garrison at Wairoa. (Signed) J.C.R.