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possible and slept with him the first night and talked to him in the most friendly way about his folly but next day he got nearly as bad as ever. I find he has not passed home as yet and I fear he is doing no good. Mr Fitzgerald promised me to go to him on Saturday morning and try to send him home. I do not know how the cow case will turn out. I think it will be gained after all the evidence and my book proved the time the beast was branded. I am sorry it should be on at this time. You will here all about it from Curling. I never was so put out about any thing as I was this time when he had to attend court to behave so bad. I do hope you will gave him a reprimand after a while for he is afraid of you. I told him I would go home in the wool vessel to see if that would have any effect but no he had hold of that old fellow Hunter and kept talking all kind of nonsense to him wanting him up to the station etc. I supose if he does not come home tommorrow I will have to go down for