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Private. Tauranga 7th. July /70. My dear Mr. McLean, I am just in from Kaitiriria last night. Capt. G. Mair has left with his men for Ruatahuna and other places. Capt. Preece arrived at Kaitiriria on the 4th. and left again next day for Taupo to meet Mr. Locke R.M. and to see about the payment of the Maories up there. I heard Capt. Preece tell Capt. Mair that Te Kooti was at the heads of the Waioeka and Motu rivers with about 50 men they were living on honey and ells, and never remained in one place more than three days, I hear that Roko Roko is in, or that he is coming in. The Govt. Bullock Dray belonging to the Telegraph Department left Maketu on Saturday last for the Taheke Ferry with 1 ton and 1/2 of Wires etc. the dray went the whole way (22 miles) without any accident. We have had very Wet Weather here lately. I am glad to see by the papers, that Mr. Hamlin has met with luck at Waikaremoana. Remaining Yours ever sincerely, Herbert F. Way.