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Auckland Decr. 7, 1865 My Dear Sir I am just leaving Auckland, and write these few lines before leaving to say that the Bay people and others have plagued me so to contest the next election with Carleton that I have consented to do so. The Bay is as you know the strong hold of the Church Mission and their influence so great that altho' I shall have all the votes of the independent Settlers It will be I expect a close run between us and between ourselves I almost wish I may be beaten but having promised I must try it. I wish to know what you think of this question of separation. I don't at all believe it advisable that the province of Auckland should be made a separate colony nor do I for a moment expect the home Govt. would grant any request of that nature. there are however several reasons which would incline me to think well of a separation of the Northern Island from the South. Should this take place I would be quite prepared for an alteration of the present constitution which would place the power of managing native affairs chiefly in the hands of the Queens representative aided and advised tho' not possibly controlled by the colonists - let me know what you may think on these matters. I think it possible even yet under such a state of things that you and I might do the state come service. I don't believe the northern association in petitioning for the erection of Auckland into a seperate colony expect or wish for what they ask hut hope for the separation of the two Islands. I have enrolled myself in the association but you will understand this was necessary for electioneering purposes separation being the popular cry now in the north. pray tell me what you think of it all and also whether you think you will enter parliament next election. It is great fun only to let it be known that I am about to oppose Carleton for as the election wont come on for some months he will he in a fever all the time, and I expect will be about two stone lighter before the momentous day arrives. he has of course all the mission families and all their extencive connections on his side and consequently has a fair chance - I am My Dear McLean Yours very sincerely F. E. Maning