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Mount Herbert, 25 Nov. 1868. My dear McLean, I received your short Telegram yesterday and since then I have seen the Newspaper of yesterday with the account of Poto having crossed the Wanganui River. I do not credit this, but if it is so, nothing is more likely than that some combined movement may be made between the two Cannibal Leaders, by which our Province may for the time become the seat of war. If Wi Hape were to join them, no doubt we are in a dangerous position here, and must take steps to meet an emergency. I see not the slightest preparations for meeting any inroad either from Wairarapa or the 70 mile Bush. If any thing has been done to establish reliable communication with the Rangitiki District, no one hereabouts seems to know about it, and certainly the Militia is as yet a , not the force it might have been made had my recommendations last August not been disregarded. I still think that the drill should be gone on with and that the 3rd. Class should be called out and armed. Much less alarm would have been caused had that been done at once, as people will fancy the danger is now extreme. Still it ought to be done and I know the people want it themselves generally. These are not times for anything but shoulder to shoulder action, otherwise I might have complained that there is too much reticence altogether, and that the leading settlers of the Province have a right to be consulted and kept informed of events and preparations as to their progress. It is with that view that I think a meeting not a public meeting - would do good, and strengthen the hands of the authorities. I shall consult the Bench tomorrow at our Court Meeting. I am sorry to see these Newspapers continuing to publish these wretched correspondents' letters from Waitoa and Poverty Bay - written as they always are in the very worst taste, and containing a good deal of untruths. I am Yours very truly, H.R. Russell.