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Gisborne Aug. 30, 1873 My dear Mr.Maclean Captain Porter has just met me and tells me that the Schoolmaster Bryant has resigned, because I am told he thinks he can better himself. Capt.P. says that he has written to you requesting that his place may be supplied, as soon as practicable, but he wishes that the man should be married, which is much to be desired, because there are girls in the school. I hope you may be able to comply with the request. Mr.Locke tells me he is writing for further instructions. From what I can hear, I do not think that the disturbance here will end in any thing. One matter is quite clear -- that Henare Matua has let out that what he has done is at the recommendation of those who ought to know better. I only hope that the Assembly will take up the question, and have a full enquiry which shall lead to the exposure of those who have been the instigators of evil. Believe me Most faithfully yours W. Waiapu