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Gisborne, Feb. 20th, 1871. My dear Sir, As I have heard today from Mr. Campbell R. M. that a report has been circulated by Mr. W. Parker reflecting upon my character as a Government servant, in reference to a case of Assault, Morris versus Parker tried here, in which the defendant Parker objected to my sitting on the Bench alleging that there was an improper intimacy existing between Maria Morris the plaintiff and myself. I beg to inform you that this allegation of Mr. Parker's is utterly false and groundless. I have written to the Under Secretary on the subject and forwarding him an affidavit made by the Plaintiff and also a letter from Dr.Nesbitt R.M. bearing upon the case. At the same time I thought it my duty to make you acquainted with the truth of the case, as I am led to believe, that a report has been forwarded to Government by Mr.Parker. Yours truly, Pitt. DearMcLean, I send you on young Pitt's note to me I hear Parker's behaviour in the matter is not creditable. Yours always, J.D.Ormond.