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Turanga 7 January 1867. Donald McLean Esq., Napier. My dear Sir, I wrote on 7th. December ult. deprecating the removal of the Colonial forces from the East Coast our settlers have most seriously considered the matter since then, and we are still of opinion that the taking away the whole of those troops was most impolitic. We are of opinion there should be a force stationed here at least for a time, untill matters settle down to a normal state. Should a difficulty arise, on what can we depend to carry out any decision that may be arrived at? It surely would simplify matters were a body of men at hand to move in an emmergency of any sort. The fact of their being here would in all probability prevent their being required to act offencively. I would further recommend the appointment of Capt. Biggs (who is a most energetic person) as Resident (or at any rate with the powers of a Resident) Magistrate in this district. At present there is no one who in the absence of Mr. Campbell can act at all where Natives are concerned, and robberies have been pretty frequent lately. May I hope you will think over what I have advanced and give us all the assistance you can in these matters. I am certain you will agree with me that we do not raise the cry of Wolf without some cause. I am sorry to trouble you so frequently on our local affairs. Knowing you have ever been interested in the welfare from district must be my excuse. Believe me to be My dear Sir Yours very faithfully, J. W. Harris.