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Loan's and over £1000 for the years since. I hear Featherstone is very wild about it and blames Waring Taylor for leaving old Jonas Woodward to fight the case with me. However it is fixed and by Act the Col. Govt. have to see the award carried out. With interest we shall want near £15,000. In regard to Featherstone's action about Manawatu I do not know that you can do more than record your protest against his damand. Of course the Govt. cannot accede to it. He ought to have been restrained from taking the course he did. There is nothing new to tell you about your bete noir Mangateretere. Gussey Carlyon came to see me about it the other day but he was too drunk for me to make head or tail of what he wanted. It is I think all right for the present. There is some "Judge's Chambers" hearing of it in Wellington but the case comes on