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to sell at any price. Sutton has offered him £1200 for his interest; but he says he will not sell, and shall petition the Assembly to have the Law so altered that he may individualise his claim. No doubt if this is done - and it probably will - he will establish a claim to a good part of the Block. Altogether Mr. Sutton's position is by no means an enviable one; and so far as your interest is concerned, I think you are better out of it; for, at the rent, I do not see that anything can be made of the lease. As to your paying for the grazing of your stock during the past three years, I think you will have to pay the rent without any doubt; and it is a question whether you have received any further value than you will have to pay. I shall be glad to help you in any way I can in this matter. It strikes me that Mr. Williams may very likely raise a claim for labour, and in looking after your stock. In the event of your making the assignment prepared by Mr. Hart, the best plan will be to refer to Arbitration any claim of that kind which may arise. I see Vogel and Gillies have been having a battle royal at Auckland; and are likely to be returned as Members for Auckland City, East and West, respectively. I am greatly amused at their feud. It is so exactly what I knew would take place,